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Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.
and next.gif
files are in the right location. Also, make sure the loading.gif
and close.gif
files as referenced near the top of the lightbox.js
file are in the right location.rel="lightbox"
attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox. For example: image #1
Optional: Use the title
attribute if you want to show a caption. image #1
image #2
image #3
No limits to the number of image sets per page or how many images are allowed in each set. Go nuts!
to the onload attribute as so:
body{ margin: 0; padding: 0; }
to your stylesheet.Image
Follow these steps to add Lightbox functionality to Flash files:
Step 1. First, download Lightbox++
Step 2. Copy the css, images and js folders from the archive in the same folder with your HTML file on your web server. This HTML file should embed the SWF file to which you want to add the Lightbox to.
Step 3. Edit the HTML file and add these lines in the section:
Step 4 (option A). If you want to have a Lightbox Image Set (with Next and Previous buttons), right after the lines from Step 3 add these lines, otherwise go to Step 4 (option B)
In the body of your HTML file you’ll have to add invisible links to the images which will be displayed in the Lightbox, like this:
Step 4 (option B). If you intend to have a single image display in Lightbox (as opposed to option A with Image set) you simply have to add these lines into the section of the HTML file:
Step 5 (option A). If you’re using SWFObject to embed the SWF, make sure you’re having these two params (in addition to maybe other params):
Step 5 (option B). If you’re using tags to embed the SWF file, add these lines:
And in the embed tag you must insert the attribute:
Step 6. If the links to go to when clicking an image are specified through the XML file, the url attribute must be set like this:
1. For Step 4 (option A):
2. For Step 4 (option B):
Note that the Lightbox will not work if tested locally. You’ll have to test it on a HTTP server.
An working example of Lightbox implemented in the way described above you will see in the “index-with-lightbox.html” file from these two archives: dockmenu.zip and carousel.zip files
Since the first thread showing you how to execute Lightbox scripts from Flash was such a big hit, I decided to write another showing you how to gain even more functionality in this regard. Tonight I will be showing you how to initiate a Lightbox containing a Flash movie from a Flash movie, and how to initiate Lightbox groups containing images as well as Flash movies. All of the following scripts can be used in the same page if you wish, you just need to include all of the following delegates into your project.
If you followed the previous thread, this should be a pretty straight forward process. All that really needs to be done is a few edits to your LightboxDelegate, and your getURL functions.
The following code should be placed within your head tags, or linked via an external javascript file.
1 | "text/javascript"> |
If you’ve used the following bit of script before, you’ll notice a few changes. Since Lightbox++ requires you specify the width and the height of the Flash movie in your URLs, we’ve added the width and height arguments to our script. Now all that is left to do, is change our getURL functions around a little bit. They should now look something like the following:
1 | getURL("javascript:SWFDelegate('images/sbemail.swf','550','400','Strongbad: Coloring');"); |
You’re now specifying the width and the height in your getURL functions, to match the signature of our javascript method. Remember, you must specify the arguments in the correct order: URL, width, height, and caption.
I received quite a few e-mails and comments in regards to how this might be done. I did a little tinkering to get it to work properly, and if you follow along it shouldn’t be that difficult for you.
The following code should be placed within your head tags, or linked via an external javascript file:
1 | "text/javascript"> |
The first thing you’re going to need to do is create links in your document just like you’re used to. The only difference is you’re going to be specifying an Id attribute in your links, which I will explain a bit more in a minute. The links in my document, that pertain to the above example look like this:
These links go right into your document that has your Flash movie in it. You’ll notice we don’t have any text between our link tags, which keeps our links from showing up in the page. The Id attribute can be named anything you wish, but you’ll need to remember them because they’re important for our getURL function calls in the next step. In my Flash example movie, my getURL calls look like the following:
1 | getURL("javascript:GroupDelegate('paper1')"); |
So when the images are clicked in my example movie above, they call our GroupDelegate function that we defined earlier, and specify the Id of the image we wish to display in our Lightbox first, even though they will be in a group. So to break it down, if the blue image is clicked in my example movie, a getURL function is fired, calling the GroupDelegate function specifying ‘paper1′ as the argument. This argument is the same as the Id attribute in my link that pertains to my blue wallpaper.
This is pretty much the same setup as calling image groups from Flash with a few small changes. There is also a gotcha involved with using this method, which I will outline now. I suggest only using this method if the visitor is only supposed to watch the movies that are contained within a group and not interact with them. When in group mode, the Lightbox script’s previous and next links have a z-index that is greater than that of the Flash movies, which keeps the links above the movies, thus not allowing the visitor to interact with your movies. If you want to have the visitor interact with your video, I suggest using the first example in this post which is only a single Flash movie and doesn’t use the previous and next links. If someone has a solution for this, I’m all ears.
The following code should be placed within your head tags, or linked via an external javascript file:
1 | "text/javascript"> |
The first thing you’re going to need to do is create links in your document just like you’re used to. The only difference is you’re going to be specifying an Id attribute in your links, which I will explain a bit more in a minute. The links in my document, that pertain to the above example look like this:
These links go right into your document that has your Flash movie in it. You’ll notice we don’t have any text between our link tags, which keeps our links from showing up in the page. The difference from the previous example is that we’re now adding width and height attributes to our links as Lightbox++ requires them. The Id attribute can be named anything you wish, but you’ll need to remember them because they’re important for our getURL function calls in the next step. In my Flash example movie, my getURL calls look like the following:
1 | getURL("javascript:GroupDelegate('comics')"); |
So when the button is clicked in my example movie above, it calls our GroupDelegate function that we defined earlier, and specifies the Id of the Flash movie we wish to display in our Lightbox first, even though they will be in a group. So to break it down, if the button is clicked in my example movie, a getURL function is fired, calling the GroupDelegate function specifying ‘comics’ as the argument. This argument is the same as the Id attribute in my link that pertains to my Strongbad Comic Flash movie.
A few of you requested information from my old post showing you how to initiate Lightbox scripts from your slideshow movies–namely SlideShowPro and Monoslideshow. I’m currently working on a post that breaks this entire process down for you, but until then you can check out my old examples. If you’re seasoned in messing with these delegates, you should be able to view source of the examples and pull out the proper delegates and implement them into your projects.
In this tutorial, we'll create a Drawing Application with basic functions and an easy to use interface. Feeling artistic? Then let's go..
Carlos is a Web/Logo Designer, Flash Developer with passion for great designs and cool applications.
This application will feature a series of tools such as pencil, eraser, text tool, and also the possibility to save your drawing in png format using the Adobe's PNG Encoder.
Open Flash and create a new Flash File (ActionScript 3).
Set the stage size to 600x350px and the frame rate to 25fps.
Draw a 600x290px white rectangle and convert it to MovieClip. Set its instance name to "board" and align it to the top-left of the stage.
This will be the area on which we'll be able to draw.
Create a 600px wide 60px high gray (#DFDFDF) rectangle and align it to the bottom of the stage. This will be our background for the Tools Panel.
I'm not going to cover the creation of the tools icons since that isn't the intention of the turorial, still, you can see how they are made in the Fla file included in the Source.
As you can see in the image, we're going to use two icons, one in a gray tone and the other one in color.
Convert the gray pencil icon to a Button (F8) and name it "pencilTool", double click to edit it and add a KeyFrame (F6) in the "over" state. Here's where we're going to put the color version of the icon.
Lastly, add another KeyFrame in the "hit" state, and draw a 30x30px square to act as the button's hit area.
Repeat this process with all your tool icons, don't forget to give them the correct instance names (eraserTool, textTool, saveButton, clearTool).
In order to display the active tool icon, we're going to use the color version of the icon and place it in the same position of the button we created before. The instance names will be "pencil", "eraser" and "text".
We'll hide these icons later using ActionScript.
When we use the save option we're going to display a "save successful" message.
Create a 600x350px black rectangle with 50% alpha to use as a background.
Add a black rounded rectangle in the center with the save button icon and some text indicating that the save has been completed.
Create a close button and align it in the top-left of the rounded rectangle, name it "closeBtn". As you can imagine, this button will close the Save Dialog.
Convert all the elements to a single MovieClip and mark the "Export for ActionScript" checkbox. Set the Class textfield to "SaveDialog".
We'll instantiate this class when the user presses the SaveButton and the save is completed.
The Size Panel is the area where you can change the size of the pencil, eraser and text tool. You can do that by clicking in the panel area or the oval inside it.
Select the Rectangle Primitive Tool, set the corner radius to 4 and create a #EFEFEF 80x50px rectangle. Convert it to a MovieClip and name it "sizePanel".
Open the Filters panel and add a Drop Shadow with the following values:
Now use the Oval Tool to create a 5x5px black circle and center it in the Size Panel, convert it to MovieClip and set its instance name to "shapeSize".
We'll create a default color palette instead of using the Color Picker Component.
Create a 22x22px circle using the Oval Tool, set its color to #EEEEEE and convert it to MovieClip. Add the same Drop Shadow Filter we used in the Size Panel.
Draw a second circle of 16x16px and use black for the color this time. Center the circles and repeat this process changing the last circle color to the following:
Align them to end up with something like this:
Convert all the colors to a single MovieClip, name it "colors" and be sure to set the Registration Point to the Top-Left, since we're going to get pixel data using the Bitmap Class.
In order to use the Save function we'll need the Adobe PNG Encoder wich is part of the as3corelib that you can find in Google Code.
To use this class outside of the package it comes with as default, we need to change one line. Open the PNGEncoder.as file and change the line "package com.adobe..." to just "package". This will let us call the class in the directory where the Fla file is.
A single Class will handle this application. Open the Properties Panel in the Fla file and set the Document Class as "Main".
Create a new ActionScript Document and save it as "Main.as" in the same directory where the Fla file is.
These are the classes we're going to need in this app. Remember to check the Flash Help (F1) if you're unsure of a specific class.
package { import PNGEncoder; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.text.TextFieldType; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.geom.ColorTransform; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.events.Event; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.net.FileReference;
We're extending the MovieClip class since we use this class' specific properties and methods.
public class Main extends MovieClip {
These are the variables we'll use. They're all explained in the code comments.
/* Pencil Tool shape, everything drawn with this tool and the eraser tool is stored inside board.pencilDraw */ var pencilDraw:Shape = new Shape(); /* Text format */ var textformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); /* Colors */ var colorsBmd:BitmapData; //We'll use this Bitmap Data to get the pixel RGB Value when clicked var pixelValue:uint; var activeColor:uint = 0x000000; //This is the current color in use, displayed by the shapeSize MC /* Save dialog instance */ var saveDialog:SaveDialog; /* Active var, to check which tool is active */ var active:String; /* Shape size color */ var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
The main function will take care of setting the Text Format of the Text Tool, converting the Colors MovieClip to Bitmap Data so we can extract the Pixels RGB Value, adding the listeners and hiding the active icons.
public function Main():void { textformat.font = "Quicksand Bold Regular"; // You can use any font you like textformat.bold = true; textformat.size = 16; /* We create these functions later */ convertToBMD(); addListeners(); /* Hide tools highlights */ pencil.visible = false; hideTools(eraser, txt); }
The tools actions are each split into four functions.
The first one will set the tool to its Active state, the second and third ones will handle the Mouse Events (like Drawing or Erasing) and the fourth one will stop those Events.
These functions handle the Pencil Tool, read the comments in the code for a better understanding.
The set to active function:
private function PencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void { /* Quit active tool */ quitActiveTool(); //This function will be created later /* Set to Active */ active = "Pencil"; //Sets the active variable to "Pencil" /* Adds the listeners to the board MovieClip, to draw just in it */ board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startPencilTool); board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopPencilTool); /* Highlight, sets the Pencil Tool Icon to the color version, and hides any other tool */ highlightTool(pencil); hideTools(eraser, txt); /* Sets the active color variable based on the Color Transform value and uses that color for the shapeSize MovieClip */ ct.color = activeColor; shapeSize.transform.colorTransform = ct; }
The Start function; this function is called when the Board MovieClip is pressed.
private function startPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void { pencilDraw = new Shape(); //We add a new shape to draw always in top (in case of text, or eraser drawings) board.addChild(pencilDraw); //Add that shape to the board MovieClip pencilDraw.graphics.moveTo(mouseX, mouseY); //Moves the Drawing Position to the Mouse Position pencilDraw.graphics.lineStyle(shapeSize.width, activeColor);//Sets the line thickness to the ShapeSize MovieClip size and sets its color to the current active color board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilTool); //Adds a listener to the next function }
The Draw function; called when the user presses the Board MovieClip and moves the mouse.
private function drawPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void { pencilDraw.graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY); //Draws a line from the current Mouse position to the moved Mouse position }
Stop function, executed when the user releases the mouse.
private function stopPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void { board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilTool); //Stops the drawing }
The Eraser Tool is pretty much the same as the Pencil Tool, except that we don't use any color other than White.
private function EraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void { /* Quit active tool */ quitActiveTool(); /* Set to Active */ active = "Eraser"; /* Listeners */ board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startEraserTool); board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopEraserTool); /* Highlight */ highlightTool(eraser); hideTools(pencil, txt); /* Use White Color */ ct.color = 0x000000; shapeSize.transform.colorTransform = ct; } private function startEraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void { pencilDraw = new Shape(); board.addChild(pencilDraw); pencilDraw.graphics.moveTo(mouseX, mouseY); pencilDraw.graphics.lineStyle(shapeSize.width, 0xFFFFFF); //White Color board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawEraserTool); } private function drawEraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void { pencilDraw.graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY); } function stopEraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void { board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawEraserTool); }
As you can see, the code is the same except for the White color changes.
The Text Tool has only two functions; one in charge of setting it to active, and the other one for handling the text writing. Let's take a look:
private function TextTool(e:MouseEvent):void { /* Quit active tool */ quitActiveTool(); /* Set to Active */ active = "Text"; /* Listener */ board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, writeText); /* Highlight */ highlightTool(txt); hideTools(pencil, eraser); } private function writeText(e:MouseEvent):void { /* Create a new TextField Object, this way we won't replace older instances */ var textfield = new TextField(); /* Set Formats, position, and focus */ textfield.type = TextFieldType.INPUT; textfield.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; textfield.defaultTextFormat = textformat; textfield.textColor = activeColor; textfield.x = mouseX; textfield.y = mouseY; stage.focus = textfield; /* Add text to Board */ board.addChild(textfield); }
This one was easy, remember that you can change the size and color using the shapeSize and the Colors MovieClips.
The save option handled by the saveButton will make use of the Adobe's PNGEnconder Class to save the artwork as a PNG file.
private function export():void { var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(600, 290);//Creates a new BitmapData with the board size bmd.draw(board);//Draws the board MovieClip into a BitmapImage in the BitmapData var ba:ByteArray = PNGEncoder.encode(bmd); //Creates a ByteArray of the BitmapData, encoded as PNG var file:FileReference = new FileReference(); // Instantiates a new File Reference Object to handle the save file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, saveSuccessful); //Adds a new listener to listen when the save is complete file.save(ba, "MyDrawing.png"); //Saves the ByteArray as a PNG } private function saveSuccessful(e:Event):void { saveDialog = new SaveDialog();// Instantiates a new SaveDialog Class addChild(saveDialog); //Adds the SaveDialog MovieClip to the Stage saveDialog.closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, closeSaveDialog);//Adds a listener to the close button of the dialog } private function closeSaveDialog(e:MouseEvent):void { removeChild(saveDialog); //Removes the dialog of the Stage } private function save(e:MouseEvent):void { export(); //Calls the export function to begin the saving process }
The Clear Tool will add a white screen in front of all the elements in order to leave the board ready to draw again.
private function clearBoard(e:MouseEvent):void { /* Create a white rectangle on top of everything */ var blank:Shape = new Shape(); blank.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); blank.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, board.width, board.height); blank.graphics.endFill(); board.addChild(blank); }
To get the value of the colors we're using in the Colors MovieClip, we convert it to a BitmapData Object and use the getPixel method to obtain the RGB value of the pixel clicked.
private function convertToBMD():void { colorsBmd = new BitmapData(colors.width,colors.height); colorsBmd.draw(colors); } private function chooseColor(e:MouseEvent):void { pixelValue = colorsBmd.getPixel(colors.mouseX,colors.mouseY);//Gets the cliked pixel RGB value activeColor = pixelValue; /* Use a ColorTransform object to change the shapeSize MovieClip color */ ct.color = activeColor; shapeSize.transform.colorTransform = ct; }
We'll add the chooseColor listener in the addListeners function later in the code.
Earlier, we declared a variable to set the active or current tool in use, and we call this function to remove the corresponding listeners in order to have just one active tool.
Basically, the function checks the "active" variable in a switch loop, then depending on its value removes the listeners it has.
private function quitActiveTool():void { switch (active) { case "Pencil" : board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startPencilTool); board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopPencilTool); case "Eraser" : board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startEraserTool); board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopEraserTool); case "Text" : board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, writeText); default : } }
We also need to highlight the active tool and hide the other ones:
private function highlightTool(tool:DisplayObject):void { tool.visible=true; //Highlights tool in the parameter } /* Hides the tools in the parameters */ private function hideTools(tool1:DisplayObject, tool2:DisplayObject):void { tool1.visible=false; tool2.visible=false; }
We click the Size Panel or the ShapeSize MovieClip to change the size of the Pencil, Eraser and Text Tool. The size is changed in intervals of 5, and is reset when the size is bigger or equal to 50. Take a look at the code:
private function changeShapeSize(e:MouseEvent):void { if (shapeSize.width >= 50) { shapeSize.width = 1; shapeSize.height = 1; /* TextFormat */ textformat.size = 16; } else { shapeSize.width += 5; shapeSize.height=shapeSize.width; /* TextFormat */ textformat.size+=5; } }
A function to add all the listeners.
private function addListeners():void { pencilTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, PencilTool); eraserTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, EraserTool); textTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, TextTool); saveButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, save); clearTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, clearBoard); colors.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, chooseColor); sizePanel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeShapeSize); shapeSize.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeShapeSize); }
Test your app by pressing cmd+return and check if everything is working as expected.
Use all the tools, colors and functions and start drawing your scene!
This Flash Movie can be easily adapted as a kids drawing application, it has a friendly user interface and basic tools that can teach how the mouse works whilst having some colorful fun in the process.
You can also explore the rest of the as3corelib and read its documentation to learn some new ActionScript features.
Thanks for reading!